For instance, you can use the program in games like Minecraft and Roblox, which require you to build from scratch to earn points. While it’s not the perfect alternative to a mouse, it comes in handy for various tasks. Simply put, GS Auto Clicker is a task automation software that saves you from the trouble of repeatedly clicking on the screen. GS Auto Clicker is efficient and fast, automating repetitive mouse clicking on your Windows PC. Since the app doesn’t take a lot of system resources, you don’t have to worry about lags or crashes. The tool asks you for the number of clicks and the interval between them. Previous session settings will now be automatically saved (including the specified cursor location) so you will need to only configure it once.From the main menu, you can insert details about the tasks you want to automate.

Note: The official Github repository can be accessed via HTTPS access at: git clone orphamielautoclicker-code

The pressed key will be now set as the Hotkey for OP Auto Clicker.Now, you can select the hotkey by pressing it on your keyboard.Once you’re done with your task, you can stop the program by either pressing the hotkey or clicking on the Stop button.Now, you can start the OP Auto Clicker by clicking on the start button or pressing the hotkey.Now, select the cursor position either choosing the current location of the cursor or picking a new location on the screen.Once you set the time interval, set the click options by choosing the mouse button and click type along with the repetition of clicks.You can set it from milliseconds up to hours.

You should now set the time interval for each click, the time after which the click will be made.First of all, you have to download and install OP Auto Clicker.Supports single, double and triple clicking.Choose clicking between left and right mouse button.Configure the click rate or set it to unlimited.Set to follow your cursor or predefine a specific location.A portable autoclicker with two modules of auto clicking – predefined and dynamic cursor location.